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AHAs and BHAs of Skincare: Similarities, Uses, and Benefits

by Natalie Sleiman 10 Feb 2023
AHAs and BHAs of Skincare: Similarities, Uses, and Benefits

Learn more about the AHAs and BHAs used in skincare. 
Being in the skincare business (if you produce or formulate skincare products or if you are simply into the business of taking good care of your skin), you're most likely to have come across the AHAs and BHAs of skincare. AHAs and BHAs are both hydroxy acids and can be found on moisturizers, cleansers, toners, scrubs, peels, or masks. Understanding the uses, benefits, and differences between these two benefits for business owners and consumers. 

AHAs: Uses and Benefits
Alpha-Hydroxy Acid, or AHA, is commonly derived from sugary fruits or other plant and milk sources and is a common ingredient in the formulation of cosmetic and skincare products. AHAs are known to primarily target dry skin conditions (sun-damaged skin) because of their natural moisturizing ability. They also help reduce the signs of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles. 

AHAs have a good number of benefits. For starters, they target all the areas of the skin. AHAs have an exfoliative effect – helping shed the dead skin cells retained on the skin to make way for evenly pigmented skin cells to generate and take their place. 

The AHA is also used to treat cases of mild hyperpigmentation like melasma and scars, uneven skin tone, and enlarged pores. Aside from their significant exfoliation capabilities, AHAs are also known to stimulate collagen production. Hence, you can find AHAs in many anti-aging products.

Types of AHAs

  • Glycolic Acid
    One of the many common types of AHA is Glycolic acid, made from sugar cane. It provides exfoliation and is a tremendous all-around treatment with its antimicrobial properties, helping prevent acne. Products like 10% Glycolic Acid Cream and 60% Glycolic acid + 2%BHA Peel are available at our shop.

  • Lactic Acid
    Lactic acid is an AHA derived from the lactose in milk and is known for its exfoliation and anti-aging effects. Example products with Lactic acid are 10% Lactic Acid Peel and 50% Lactic Acid + 2% BHA Peel.

  • Citric Acid
    From the name itself, citric acid is a form of AHA made from citrus fruit extracts and helps neutralize the skin's PH level to help even out the rough patches of the skin. Citric acid is ideal for creating a serum or toner and is also suitable in sunscreen products to provide UV protection.

  • Tartaric
    Made from grape extracts, this AHA type of acid helps relieve the skin from sun and acne damage. Effects and uses slightly differ from each type of AHA, so ensure you understand the goal of using AHA and how you want it to work on the skin.

BHAs: Uses and Benefits
While AHAs are water-based agents, BHA or Beta Hydroxy Acid is oil-soluble. BHAs can penetrate deep into the skin's pores, removing dead skin cells and excess sebum. They are commonly used for targeting skin with acne and sun damage. Because of these features, BHAs are usually most suited for people with a combination of oily skin.

Salicylic acid, the most common type of BHA, is well-known for its acne-treating abilities and helps calm down skin redness. This is the reason why SA is used in many acne products.

Another feature is that it is known to fight bacteria and can be used to treat calluses and dry skin. In high concentrations of BHA, it can be used to treat warts, and BHA works the same way as AHA, only that it penetrates more deeply into the skin.

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